Wednesday, January 5, 2011

10 tips for taking kids out to a restaurant

Many people -- especially busy parents -- appreciate dining out as a restaurant. Usually. But have you been nervous about heading out to dinner with kids in tow because you just can't forget that time your new baby started screaming nonstop just as your main course was being served?

The good news is that you don't need to avoid restaurants forever! Here are a few tips from real moms about what you can do to make the experience of eating out as a family a little smoother.

1) Before you go out, make sure there's something on the menu that your child will actually eat -- or bring along food from home.

2) Visit restaurants at an off-peak time (such as 4-5 on a weekday afternoon) so you beat the rush.

3) Opt to be seated in a booth whenever possible, so it will be easier for you to keep your child contained.

4) Position your child by a wall or otherwise as far away from the other tables as possible, to avoid disrupting fellow diners.

5) Avoid restaurants with more than a 5-10 minute wait for a table so your child isn't all our of patience by the time the meal is served.

6) Take your child for a walk outside or go sit in the car if things get too boring.

7) Keep your child busy: bring pen and paper, books, or even a "for restaurant-times only" toy.

8) To keep things moving, when your server comes to take your drink orders, have your full meal order ready, too.

9) Request the check when the server brings you your main course.

10) Tip well, especially if the staff have been accommodating. Add a little extra if your kids made a mess on top of or under the table. Not only will you be paying for service given, you will also grease the wheels a little for the next customer who comes in with kids.

If your restaurant trip just doesn't work, accept it and don't force your child -- or the other diners -- to sit through a miserable experience. Give it a few months and try, try again.

Source: Yahoo Shine


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