Monday, February 7, 2011

Spicy Cheesy Burgers - The Best Burger You Will Ever Make

Fast food restaurants are taking over our way of life. They advertise high calorie, high fat food to us through television and everywhere we look twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. All these burgers are packed with unhealthy fats, sugars and excess sodium, making them a really bad addition to your daily diet. It's time to recognize our burger appreciation with a great recipe to compete with all those other unhealthy variations out there. This guide will tell you all you need to know to create a fantastic burger, without even leaving the comfort of your own back yard!

The first step is to gather all your necessary ingredients. There may be a few on this list that are not just sitting around your house, but it is well worth picking them up on your next trip to the grocery store: nothing is too fancy or expensive.

Ingredients are as follows: Lean ground beef from the meat section. Look for something with less than ten percent fat content: it will just taste better. You will also need some chili powder, a little bit of hot sauce, and some shredded cheese. The best varieties are sharp cheddars, or spicier Monterey jack. These added ingredients will give your burger just the extra kick you need.

Get out a big mixing bowl. Combine all ingredients inside and begin to mix it all around with CLEAN hands. For each three pounds of ground beef, you should use a half-cup of shredded cheese, one tablespoon of hot sauce, and two teaspoons of chili powder. Make sure that you get everything combined evenly...The surprise of a pocket of spicy hot sauce inside a burger can be slightly overwhelming to some!

Once you have your freshly prepared burger meat, shape it into grill-able patties. Make them a little thicker than usual, since some of the fat will melt out on the grill and they will slim down.

Spark up the grill or wait for the charcoals to be ready, if you are not using one of those newfangled propane monsters. Cook the patties through, flipping them every few minutes until they stop dripping. For those who like their meat a little more rare, check the inside sooner for that delicious pink tinge.

One you are finished, slap on a fresh slice of quality cheese to make your burger even more mouthwatering. Provolone or Swiss are great choices, since their strong flavor will complement the spiciness of your patty. This recipe is guaranteed to be more satisfying than any fast food chain you could ever find, and one mere burger will fill you up right. No need to supersize that!

Source: Ezine Article


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